Sunday, November 28, 2010


Reese was acting so goofy today! She found these accessories on her own while playing.


Reese woke up early today and said she was HUNGRY and THIRSTY! Here she is chugging milk in the pantry while we picked out our breakfast.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Bunch Family

We had a great weekend with the Bunch family (ex Brian who chose the Gopher vs. Hawkeye football game over us - don't worry Brian, we don't blame you!). We had fun shopping and finding great deals during the day. Then, at night, we hosted a party where more Luther kids Maya and Logan joined Lexi, Connor, and Reese for some fun.

Unfortunately I didn't talk a lot of pictures this weekend. Guess we were a little busy with all these kids!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Haag Thanksgiving

We had a fun Thanksgiving day with the Haags at the lake. We ate wonderful food and played lots of games together. Lots to be thankful for!

Cooking Light

Inspired by my friend Greta's blog, I decided to try out a new recipe from Cooking Light. These Harvest Sweet Potato Peacan Pie Tarts should be a hit at the Haag Thanksgiving today. So, thanks to Greta for the inspiration. And thanks to Reese for sleeping in today so I could make these yummy treats.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hide and Seek

Here's Reese enjoying her first game of hide and seek! She loved it!

Little Turkeys

We hosted a neighborhood playdate today. The "little turkeys" enjoyed jumping in the bounce house, doing a Thanksgiving craft, and watching You Tube with Todd.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Counting Fingers

Cute video of Reese counting her fingers. So proud!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Feeding Libby

Reese loves to take care of her kitty. She did a great job feeding Libby today. She was slow and careful so only about 100 pieces of kitty food landed on the floor!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Curious George Live

We went to Curious George Live today. Reese smiled very big and yelled "George!" when we walked in and saw the stage. She danced on my lap and waved her light-up wand during the songs. But perhaps her favorite part of the show... the popcorn she snacked on!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cipra Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Cipra family today. We had fun eating (too much!), playing bingo, making bags to hold our bingo prizes, and just hanging out with the family we love.

Jack and I played guns most of the day. It was quite a workout for me running around the house and rolling around when I was "shot". After watching us for awhile, Reese decided to get in on the action, grabbed a gun, and made shooting noises. But she immediately stopped, handed me the gun, and said "I don't like it." Such a girly-girl!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

Reese has been talking about Christmas trees and singing Jingle Bells this week. So, I decided to put up the Christmas tree a little early this year.

It was quite the afternoon adventure. Kitty Libby climbed up the tree within 5 minutes of putting it together. Reese thought that was hilarious! And Reese "helped" decorate. She was so proud of herself!

I think it's going to be a very fun Christmas!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Reese likes to "read" her books lately. She actually does a pretty good job remembering what happens on each page. Here's an example caught on video

Monday, November 15, 2010

Olive French Fry

Reese recently got a new stuffed animal. I suggested the name Olive (to start with the same letter O as owl and because she's green). But Reese wasn't quite satisfied with that name and said, "No, Olive French Fry"! What a perfect, complete name for her new friend! Everytime she sees Olive, she calls her by her full name.

Reese also recently named a little stuffed puppy "Rocket (like the neighbor's dog) French Fry"!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Adults Only

Due to the snow and bad roads, Mommy could not attend Jenny Lindemann's bachelorette party as planned. So, we hung out with some neighbors instead. Reese was the only child in attendance, and she partied with the adults until midnight.

First Snow

Reese woke up this morning to find the first snowfall of the season. We opened her window and she yelled "Snowflake!" Not just one snowflake, but 7 inches!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

CMA Awards

Mommy spent a few days in Nashville with the Country Music Association. She first attended a marketing summit where she spoke on a panel about the Pillsbury Biscuit partnership with country music. The marketing summit included many other panel speakers including the managers of Rascal Flatts, Jason Aldean, Rodney Atkins, and more. She also ran into Kenny Chesney in the lobby of Sony Music building. He simply said, "Hi, I'm Kenny." Wednesday evening wasa once-in-a-lifetime experience attending the CMA Awards and parties. Some of the performers included Carrie Underwood, Brad Paisley, Kid Rock, Miranda Lambert, and Reba just to name a few. Mommy is not a huge country music fan, but certainly was this week! So much fun!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Early Riser

Reese was up at 5:30am this morning, and was not exactly happy about her early rise. She must still be on Eastern Time!