Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treating

Reese had a blast trick or treating tonight!

We weren't sure if Reese was going to wear her costume. So, all day long, Grandma Cipra hyped up the fun of wearing a costume. And when we told her she could not get candy unless she wore a costume, she actually put it on tonight. We received lots of comments on her cute, unique whale costume. When the night was over Reese told me "Everyone thought I was so cute!"

She really got into the Halloween spirit this year. She proudly walked up to about 15 houses, rang the door bell (if she could reach), said "trick or treat" and "thank you", then quickly turned around and said "let's go to the next house!"


Reese, Grandma Cipra, and I went to an ECFE Halloween party this morning. Reese was still a little sleepy and refused to put on her costume. Darn it - Grandma and I wore costumes but we just coudn't talk her into it! She had fun with some of the activities, but the highlight for her was seeing Heather (who takes care of her every Thursday). She holds Heather at celebrity status and kept asking "Mommy, where's Heather?!?"

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Parties

We attended two Halloween parties this evening. We planned to go to just one at Henry's house, but Reese was very tired and crabby we so left pretty early. Ugh! Of course she perked up on our drive home, so we decided to hit up another party close to home. We talked Reese into wearing her whale costume at the second party - the costume lasted for approximately 30 seconds. Doesn't she realize we need to capture these fun memories!?!?!

Friday, October 28, 2011


Reese and I spent 3 hours at Target today. We ate lunch and shopped for some final Halloween items. Then Reese spent over an hour in a baby aisle playing with the animal bath towels. She was having so much fun acting things out with the animals, I could not pull her away. The Target staff kept walking by and laughing. Luckily the magazine aisle was right next to the baby aisle, so I read Real Simple and People while she played. Fun, cheap entertainment.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Reese was a little monster today - so naughty! She peed on the floor multiple times, purposely did the exact opposite of what I asked (and then smiled), got hurt often, and cried a lot. One of the few high points in our day was making monster (how appropriate) cupcakes. Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow!

Monday, October 24, 2011


A cute video of Reese reading her library books. I'm not sure why the video quality is so bad (maybe bad lighting), but her little voice is adorable.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Phineas and Ferb

We enjoyed a live performance of Phineas and Ferb with Brayden, Tammy, and Carly. Reese has actually never seen the show Phineas and Ferb, but Brayden loves it so we wanted to share this fun event with him. Daddy backed out on us because he wanted to watch Christian Ponder in his first Vikings start, so we invited Carly to join us.

Reese ate her first snow cone, popcorn, and cotton candy. She was dancing throughout the first half of the show, then sat quietly the second half (either taking in the storyline, or more likely in a sugar coma).

Friday, October 21, 2011

Nelson Family Farm

We went to the Nelson Family Farm today with Troy, Brayden and Aubrey. Reese and Brayden were good buddies running around, petting the animals (fun except for a goat biting incident - a goat bit Reese's finger!), riding more ponies, and going on rides. Todd took the kids on a soap box ride that was really bumpy. I was surprised and happy to see smiles on all their faces when they reached the bottom.

Another Ultrasound

I had another ultrasound today because the baby was measuring a little small and my placenta was a little low last time. Happy to report, everything looks great. The baby is still a little small, but only about a week or two behind.

Reese came with us to the ultrasound this time. She wasn't as excited as I would have hoped. When she walked into the room, she was very worried about me and said, "Mommy, what is that thing and what's on your tummy???" She looked only a little relieved when I explained that it is a camera to see the baby and gel on my tummy, and it doesn't hurt me. She stood by my side and held my hand for awhile just to make sure I was okay.

When we walked out the door she told me, "I didn't like that gel on your tummy." Guess it might be best if she doesn't come to any more appointments.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cupcake Girls

I watched Carly and Ellie for an hour today, and Reese thought it was so fun to have them at HER house for once. We had fun making double stacked cupcakes!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I was distracted tonight trying to get some work done. I should have realized it was a little too quiet before Reese walked into the room with no clothes on and said "Look, I colored myself blue!" from top all the way down to her toes.

I didn't have the best partenting skills and immediately burst out laughing, asked her to pose for a picture, and told her to run upstairs and show Daddy. We later had to clarify that we do not condone this kind of behavior (but it sure was funny).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

MOPS Fall Festival

Our fall fun continues. We had fun at the MOPS fall festival today. Reese enjoyed a hay ride, jumping in the bounce house, winning cupcakes at the bake around, and riding a pony (for the second day in a row!).

Saturday, October 15, 2011

More Cupcake Poppers

We made Cupcake Poppers again today, this time for a MOPS fundraiser event. Reese and Daddy served as the quality control testers. I got a little advice from Ann, my colleague who created this recipe, did not take any short cuts, and the poppers turned out even better than last time. Yummy! I hope they earn MOPS a lot of money tomorrow.

Apple Jack Orchard

We enjoyed an afternoon at Apple Jack Orchard, a wonderful orchard just outside of Rockford.

Reese liked the pony rides the best. She rode a pony named Rusty and was proud that he was the biggest pony there. She held on all by herself for the entire ride. Then Reese made us stand and watch the ponies give other kids rides for approximately 30 minutes.

We also enjoyed a tractor ride, time on the jumping pillow, and a ride on the cow train. This was the first time Reese rode the cow train by herself. I'll admit that I freaked out a bit when she started getting far away. It was a good 50 yards away from us and I don't think she's ever been by herself so far! So I walked (very quickly -- Todd called it runnning) across the strawberry field to make sure she was ok. Of course she was just fine -- it was only me who was freaking out.

Her horse/pony obsession continued this evening when Reese was pretending to push her babies in a shopping cart. She was telling her babies that she forgot to put a horse on the grocery list so she could buy it! So funny. Not funny was when Todd turned to me and said, "Reese sure likes horses. Where do you think we could put on at our house?"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Arts and Crafts

Ever since I met Martha Stewart a few weeks ago at work, I've been inspired to be more crafty. Tonight, Reese and I did some arts and crafts - and made jack-o-lanterns out of glass jars, tissue paper, construction paper, and a lot of modge podge. They were pretty easy and look cute when lit. I think we'll put them on our walkway on Halloween night.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Still More Swimming Lessons

Todd went in the water with Reese at swimming lessons again today, so I had a chance to take more pictures. Reese is really making progress and getting brave in the water. Thanks to her teacher Karen!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday School

I started teaching Sunday School this week, and Reese came to help. She enjoyed eating the snack the most (graham crackers, frosting, and Nerds candy to make the 10 Commandments).

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Leaves

Once her work was complete, Reese got to enjoy playing in the leaves with Grandma Haag and paining a little pumpkin at a fall festival.

Fall Chores

Grandma and Grandpa Haag came over today to blow out our sprinklers for the season. We did lots of fall chores, and Reese helped too!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More Swimming Lessons

Reese continues to love her swimming lessons every Wednesday. This week Daddy got to take her into the pool. Reese smiles during the entire half hour in the pool.