I saw this on Facebook, and decided to do with Emmy this morning...
Without ANY prompting, ask your kid(s)
these questions. Its a great way to see what they are thinking.
What is something I always say to you?
E- I love you
2. What makes me Happy?
E – When I made you that present owl for your birthday
3. What makes me Sad?
E – When I’m mad at you, like at bedtime.
4. How do I make you laugh?
E – Make funny faces
5. What was i like as a
E – Funny and went to school.
6. How old am I?
E - 37
7. How tall am I?
E – 30 10
8. What is my favorite
thing to do?
E- Play with me or eat cupcakes with me.
9. What do I do when you
are not home?
E Make me a birthday cake.
10: What am I really good
E - Working
11: What am i not very good
E- Playing
12: What do I do for a
E- I do not know.
13:What is my favorite
E - Coffee
14. What do you enjoying
doing with me?
E – Eating cupcakes with you!