Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cookies & Reindeer Food

We had fun making cookies for Santa.  

Our decorating skills aren't going to win any awards, but they tasted yummy.

In addition to cookies for Santa, this year we put out some magical reindeer food.  It's a little bit of magic for the most magical time of the year.  It says, if Santa's reindeer come within 100 miles (yes, 100 miles!) of your home, they will smell your magical reindeer food and come immediately to your home, bringing Santa and his sleigh to deliver your presents.

Right before bed on Christmas Eve, sprinkle the magical reindeer food all across the yard - anywhere in the yard will do.  Make sure you don't pile it all in one spot though, because the more you spread it around, the better the reindeer can smell it.  As soon as you're done, you have to go right to bed as fast as you can, because if Santa comes and you're not asleep, he may not come back!  Good night, sleep tight!

 And it worked perfectly.  Reese RAN upstairs -- actually limped upstairs because her leg hurts from growing pains.  Sweetie tried so hard!  And Emmy kept yelling "Santa is coming!"

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