Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Extraordinary Emmy

A post dedicated to our extraordinary Emmy!

Lately, to fall asleep, Emmy has been pinching me as a soothing technique.  Ugh!  Luckily for Grandma Cipra, she likes to bounce on the ball and sing to fall asleep for her naps.  Their favorite song is, "Hush a bye, don't you cry, go to sleep little baby", and they change it up to say go to sleep little Libby, Leeo, chipmunks, Strawberry Shortcake, Dora, etc, etc.

One night, Emmy was climbing on, them jumping off Todd's back.  After awhile, she would yell, "Ok, ladies and gentlemen!" to get our attention before she would climb up. Where has she ever heard that phrase? 

Emmy's favorite word lately is "actually."  She says things like "Actually, I need a snack" and "Actually, I don't want to go to bed."

Emmy often likes to sit with her legs crossed.  So proper!

She makes lots of funny noises like clicking her tongue.  It's so tempting to imitate her, but she always yells, "DON'T COPY ME!"

One day she told me, "Good job!  You get a blue ribbon. Where is it?  In my hand ch ch ch cha."

When Laura and Katie came to the door, she yelled, "There are 2 of them!"

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