Monday, April 27, 2009

Lights Out

Does anyone else's child sleep like this? Reese always tucks her face into your armpit when she sleeps! We think she does it to block out the light and sound. It makes Mommy nervous because she thinks Reese can't breathe; but if we move her, she tucks herself right back in!

Mommy and Me

Mommy thinks she doesn't have enough pictures with Reese, so made Daddy take one this weekend. Reese looks like such a big girl sitting up so straight!

Working with Daddy

Although Reese is only 2 months old, Daddy bought her a playset for outside and an activity table for inside. Mommy keeps telling him that Reese won't use them for 2 years, but he's a planner! Here are a few pictures of Reese helping Daddy with those projects. She was entertained!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Had to post this picture for Grandma Cipra who absolutely loves Reese's dimples (although this picture shows only one). I also think it looks like Reese is dancing in this picture. Funny girl!

Life is Good

Life is good at the Haag house. Eating has improved! Reese has been on acid reflux medicine for 2 weeks and she no longer cries during her feedings. Sleeping is getting better! Reese slept for 4 hours, ate, then slept another 3 hours last night. Reese is now happy with a full tummy and rested body!

Baby Katie

Reese and Baby Katie were born just a month apart and will enjoy growing up together. Here are a few pictures from neighborhood playdates since they were born. First picture features Katie 2 weeks and Reese 6 weeks; second picture Katie 4 weeks and Reese 8 weeks; third picture Katie 7 weeks and Reese 11 weeks. They are both getting so big!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mobile Mobile

Reese loves to watch her mobile mobile (meaning a portable mobile). We hooked up her mobile to a dining room chair and put next to her pack and play in our living room. That makes it official... baby items have taken over our house! Oh yeah, I should mention that she loves the shape of her changing table, so we let her lay on it inside her pack and play. Anything to make her happy!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Exciting Fish

This is our first attempt at a video post. Hope it works! Reese loves to watch the fish above her swing. She thinks they are so exciting and wants to reach out and grab them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

Reese enjoyed playing Nintendo DS and cuddling with her cousin Peyton on Easter. Unfortunately we didn't get many Easter pictures because Reese and cousin Brayden slept most of the day. We'll have to put her cute Easter dress and bib on soon and take a picture!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Elmo is hilarious! It's fun to watch Reese interact with her toys.

Morning with Belle

Reese usually wakes up around 7a.m. and hangs out in Mommy and Daddy's closet kicking and interacting with Belle, our cat. They are funny together -- Reese watching and cooing at Belle; Belle watching and often walking over Reese.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Denver Friends

Finally had a chance to load these pictures... Last weekend we enjoyed catching up with our friends Correne and little Henry visiting from Denver. It was fun to get a group of Luther friends (and some new additions!) together again.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Great Grandparents

Reese met her Great Grandma Jean Cipra and Great Grandpa Elry Wolff during her trip to Austin. The great grandparents enjoyed meeting her, and as you can see, Reese enjoyed relaxing in their arms.

Trip to Austin

Reese made her first trip to Austin (Mommy's hometown) this week. She enjoyed trying out a different swing, and it might be coming back home with us because Reese really seems to enjoy it. She also took a bath in a sink, but looks forward to returning home to soak in her actual bath tub.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Reese slept in her crib for the first time today. Such a big girl! We decided to try her crib for afternoon naps to get her used to that environment. As you can see, Todd kept a close eye on her via the video monitor (love the video feature so you know exactly what she's doing at all times!).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Luther Play Date

We had fun playing with some of our Luther College friends -- Liam Nelson (Abbey & Barry) and Lily James (Joy & Tony)!