Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bike Rider

Reese is now a bike rider... kind-of.  We received this princess bike after neighbors Heather then Tracy were done with it.  She can't stand to wear the helmet (of course -- so sensory sensitive!), but she's trying to figure it all out.  Keep up the good work, Reese!

Hide & Seek

The girls both love to play hide & seek.  And sometimes they talk neighbor Logan into playing too.

Click here for an adorable video of Emmy covering her eyes and counting, "One, one, one, one..." while Reese and Logan hid.

Good hiding spot, Reese!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Build a Dam

Reese was watching PBS kids and told me about a commercial she heard.  This was her version... "If your baby cries excessively, you're going to have to build a dam."  Luckily I saw the same commercial later and found out the ending says "comfort them" instead of build a dam.

More Talking

A few new words/phrases I have notice Emmy saying the past couple weeks...
  • Up
  • Reach
  • Doughnut.  One morning I asked her if she was done with breakfast.  She replied, "No, doughnut."  Ha!
  • Out! (when she wants to get out of her highchair or the car seat)
  • I got it!
  • This one!
  • And so many more that I'm not remembering right now.

Emmy insists that her name is "Minnie".    Here's a typical conversation...
Daddy: "Emmy, is your name Emmy or Minnie?"
Emmy: "Minnie."
D: "Do you mean Emmy?"

E: "No."
D: "Do you mean Minnie?"

E: "Ah, yes!"

Thermal Selfie

A thermal "selfie" on the iPad.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Chuck E. Cheese

I'm not sure how we avoided it for 4 years, but we make our 1st trip to Chuck E. Cheese today.  The girls had a lot of fun, so I'm sure we will be going back on another cold and rainy day.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

4 Year Well Visit

Reese had her 4 year old well visit with Dr. Bryan this week.  Everything looked great, and she continues to be ahead on development.  The one thing Dr. Bryan mentioned is that Reese should help around the house more -- and she's been doing just that.  Thank you, Dr. Bryan!

Reese is 42.5" tall (85th percentile - wow!) and 38 lb 4 oz (65th percentile), which makes her BMI 50%.  Perfect!  And she's come a long way since 5 lb 13 oz!

Reese had her eyes checked and hearing checked, and she passed both easily.  I was relieved because she did not hear one of the low tones in her hearing test for kindergarten screening.  So there is not an issue - maybe just some wax that day!

She had to have one shot, but it was a nasty one -- DTP.  We found out that shots still affect Reese (just like when she was a baby) as she got sick and spiked a fever the past 2 days.  Poor girl.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Both Reese and Emmy are into dressing up in costumes lately.  Thanks for some of the new costumes, Ellie!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Last Day of School

A great last day of preschool for the year... a field trip to Como Zoo!

On the bus on the way, Reese grabbed my hand then quickly pulled it back and asked me, "Mom, is it okay that I touch you?"  I wondered what she was talking about and said, "Yes, of course."  Reese looked relieved and said, "Ok good. Because in preschool we have to keep our hands to ourselves."

Reese was looking for tigers all day long, and we finally found one sitting right by the window.  Reese sat right next to him and had a long conversation.  When we left she said, "Oh, that tiger loved me.  We'll have to come back so I can pet him."

Then a few pictures when we returned back to school.  I can't believe she is already done with her very first day of preschool!

Another great progress report to wrap up the year.  We are so proud!  We'll keep working on socializing.  And we'll have to work on her test taking skills as I know she can count higher than 18... silly girl.
Some springtime preschool artwork...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Emmy naps differently -- depending on who is putting her to sleep.

For Grandma Cipra - she falls asleep while Grandma bounces her on the big exercise ball, then is gently put into her car seat in her room.

For Heather - she falls asleep while Heather walks her around the house and stays sleeping when Heather puts her in the chair (with pillows around her) or bean bag in the living room.  Heather says she will only sleep in the living room where she can hear the other girls playing.

For Daddy - she falls asleep when he takes her on a short car ride.  She is always excited to go on car rides with Daddy and says "Whee!" while getting strapped into her car seat.  It's nice that she still fits in her infant car seat that we just strap into the car for a spin before naps, then carry her up to her room.

For Mommy - she falls asleep in my lap, and immediately wakes up when I try to put her in her car seat or bed. Ugh! This is why I get nothing done during the day!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Family Fun Day

We had fun at "family fun day" at our MOPS church.

I was in charge of creating and setting up the obstacle course, which was a huge hit.  The kids were sweaty and out of breath trying to beat their time. Thanks to Todd for timing the kids for 2 hours straight.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dance Recital

We went to Carly and Ellie's dance recital today.  The girls did great, and Reese watched intently for 2.5 hours counting the dances until it was Ellie or Carly's turn again.

It was quite the production full of beautiful costumes and fake eyelashes.  I hesisted to ask Reese if she wanted to take dance lessons.  She immediately responded "Yes!", but hasn't mentioned it again since, so maybe we can wait a bit longer!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pajama Day

It was pajama day at MOPS today, and Reese was SO excited to wear her new rainbow jammies. 

Here's Emmy modeling a headband one of her MOPPETS teachers made for her.

After a day in her jammies, Reese got a little delirious and convinced Daddy and Emmy to stand on their heads.

And what do you do after wearing your jammies all day?  Put on a swimsuit to go to bed.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Moveable Feast

We went on our 4th date in 4 years tonight... sad, but true.  We went to a swanky event called Open Arms Moveable Feast.  Open Arms serves meals to people with life-threatening illnesses -- a certain diet for those with cancer, MS, HIV/AIDS, etc.  They are a wonderful partner of Betty Crocker Kitchen home-delivered meals, so we had the opportunity to attend their annual fundraiser.  We had fun... too much fun!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Softball Game

We went to Daddy's softball games tonight.  The girls kept very busy (and kept me busy) eating snacks, climbing the bleachers, petting puppies, etc.  And Todd wonders why I don't see every play of the game.  It's not exactly a relaxing evening.

After the games we headed to the playground.  Sorry to say Daddy, the girls had a lot more fun at the playground!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bird Watchers

Saturday, May 11, 2013

60 Degrees

It's FINALLY starting to get nice outside.

The only two people in Minnesota who wish there was still snow on the ground...
After wishing for snow, Reese decided to embrace the 60 degree weather, put on her swimsuit, and run through the sprinklers.  Burrr!  But she insisted she was not cold.

Friday, May 10, 2013


While I appreciate the effort, the girls didn't make much progress sweeping up their mess.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

All By Herself

Emmy and I went to the Community Center today while Reese was at preschool.  She has no fear, will try anything, and prefers to do it all by herself.  Emmy has such a different personality than Reese!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Although Reese acts like a big girl (and constantly reminds us she's not a baby, but a big girl), sometimes it's just nice to wrap up in a blankie and snuggle with Grandma!