Friday, December 27, 2013


We had SO much fun sledding on Skinners Hill in Austin! My favorite moments were when Reese told me, "Mom, I love your laugh!" and when Emmy said, "Mommy, that was fun!"

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas in Austin

It was another wonderful Christmas in Austin.  We are so blessed.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cookies & Reindeer Food

We had fun making cookies for Santa.  

Our decorating skills aren't going to win any awards, but they tasted yummy.

In addition to cookies for Santa, this year we put out some magical reindeer food.  It's a little bit of magic for the most magical time of the year.  It says, if Santa's reindeer come within 100 miles (yes, 100 miles!) of your home, they will smell your magical reindeer food and come immediately to your home, bringing Santa and his sleigh to deliver your presents.

Right before bed on Christmas Eve, sprinkle the magical reindeer food all across the yard - anywhere in the yard will do.  Make sure you don't pile it all in one spot though, because the more you spread it around, the better the reindeer can smell it.  As soon as you're done, you have to go right to bed as fast as you can, because if Santa comes and you're not asleep, he may not come back!  Good night, sleep tight!

 And it worked perfectly.  Reese RAN upstairs -- actually limped upstairs because her leg hurts from growing pains.  Sweetie tried so hard!  And Emmy kept yelling "Santa is coming!"


It's Christmas Eve morning and time to open presents from Mom and Dad.  So fun!

I think Reese likes her American Girl Doll!

Even the kitties get presents!

Monday, December 23, 2013


We have been counting down to Christmas with an Advent chain this year.  Here's what we have been doing every day in December.  Ok, most days because some days we forget.

  1. Color a Christmas picture
  2. Write a Christmas letter to your grandparents
  3. Dance party around the Christmas tree
  4. Make snow angels outside
  5. Watch "The Polar Express" movie
  6. Drive around and look at Christmas lights -- this was probably my favorite activity because the girls were SO excited
  7. Picture with Santa at the Fire Station
  8. Play the Christmas Action Game 
  9. Go to a movie as a family
  10. Drink hot chocolate
  11. Write a letter to Santa
  12. Wrap presents for friends
  13. Neighborhood Christmas party
  14. Make baby Jesus ornament
  15. Read the Christmas story in "Big Picture Bible"
  16. Reenact the Christmas story with the nativity set
  17. Take the Christmas quiz from MOPPETS curriculum
  18. Watch "Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too" movie
  19. Go to the Holidazzle parade and Macy's 8th floor display
  20. Finish wrapping presents for everyone
  21. Make Elf Food Chex Mix and cookies
  22. Unwrap a new Christmas book
  23. Read the Christmas story in "Baby Girls Bible"
  24. Go to church and put out cookies and milk for Santa
  25. Merry Christmas!  Sing "Happy Birthday to Jesus"

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Reese and Emmy often act goofy.  Lately, when surprised, they lay on the ground and act "floored"...


Emmy's talking continues to explode.  Here are a few recent conversations...

I was working on my computer one day, and Emmy came walking into the office and asked me, "Mommy, want to play Groovy Girls?  Want to play Minnie Mouse?  Please?  Mommy?  Play play?"  How can you say no?!?  Then as we were playing, the Groovy Girls got in trouble and she told them, "You need a time out!"

Emmy was going on the big girl potty and she told me, "Shut door.  Privacy."  No, she's not potty trained yet, but occasionally tells us she has to go potty.  This only works when it's all her idea.  If I mention going on the potty, she tells me, "No thank you."

Emmy is very polite.  She often tells me, "Thank you very much, Mommy."

The girls were playing up in Reese's room one day, and I glanced in to see the following play out...  Reese was in the closet and Emmy would not open the door to let Reese back into the room (not sure why Reese did not just open the door herself).  Reese said, "Emmy, let me in. (paused for awhile obviously thinking)  It is Daddy, not Reese. (pause) It might sound like Reese's voice, but Daddy is here. Let me in."  Emmy could not be fooled and simply responded "No". 

Party Planning

It's no secret I love planning parties.  It's just too bad Emmy's birthday is early January, so I need to plan her birthday parties during the busy Christmas season.  But, I'm super excited to invite a few people over for Emmy's Birthday Bow-tique soon...

And now (even though it's not even Christmas and Emmy's party is not yet complete), it's time to start planning Reese's birthday party!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas at the Lake

We decided to celebrate Christmas at the Lake a little early this year, so we wouldn't be rushed.  I think it was a great decision because we had a relaxing day full of good food and thoughtful presents.

We are having a few arguments this year since the girls like a lot of the same toys.

Close-ups of my beauties.

The night ended with lots of running, dancing, and even limbo.

Daddy and his girls.

Cousins ex Emmy who refused to be in the picture.

Grandma and Grandpa Haag and all their grandchildren.

My loves.