Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pink Hat

Reese and Grandpa shared a hat at the park today. Ha, ha!

A Few Days with Jack

Jack stayed at our house the last few days because he doesn't have daycare this week. Grandma, Grandpa, Jack and Reese kept busy by going to parks, eating out at restaurants, treating themselves to ice cream, shopping, and playing around our house.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Haag Reunion

We enjoyed the day at the Haag Family Reunion. It was a great location with a park to play and lake to wade in the water.

After the reunion, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Haag's house. Reese had fun playing with and hugging her cousins.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We're Having...

... a healthy baby GIRL! Our new baby girl is due January 11th, but I predict she will make her appearance mid-December.

We had our 20 week ultrasound today, and everything looks great. The baby is measuring a bit small (about a week behind), but we aren't concerned because Reese was small throughout the pregnancy too.

My pregnancy has been a very easy one. No morning sickness at all (just like with Reese), and I'm so thankful. I had a little heartburn at the beginning, but that quickly stopped. Our only concern was I had a small subchorionic hemorrhage at my 10 ultrasound, but that has completely absorbed at 20 weeks.

We told Reese about the baby right when we found out we are expecting. We tried to write down some of the funny things she has said about the baby over the last few months...

Reese consistently said she was going to have a sister. One time she went into detail saying, "A sister. A pink one. Or maybe purple."

"That [having a brother or sister] will be nice."

"She will like me."

When looking at my tummy she asked, "Can I hold her?" I had to explain, not quite yet.

"I'll give her a ball. What kind of ball?"

Reese asked me, "You still have a baby in your tummy?" She can't come out. She's still growing up!"

One day Reese asked me, "What's her name?"
M: "We don't have a name for the baby yet. What do you think it should be?"
R (enthusiastically): "Aubrey!" (Just like her cousin -- that might be confusing!)

While swinging, Grandma asked Reese if the swing is hitting her tummy. Reese replied, "No, because I don't have a baby in my tummy."

The past two weeks she said she was going to have a brother AND a sister. When we got home from the ultrasound today, we told her she was going to have a sister. She immediately said, "NO! A brother AND a sister!" Luckily she got over it pretty quickly.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Week's Funnies

Reese has said a few funny things this week...

I forget the context, but Reese said, "You betcha!" She's a true Minnesotan!

Grandma was telling me about buying some food at the store. Reese overheard and quickly corrected her by saying, "We got it at the GROCERY store." We need to be very descriptive in our house!

Reese was building with blocks and Grandma brought her some fruit. Reese looked at the fruit and said, "Yeah, I can take a break."

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Reese and Libby were out exploring in the woods today. They were examining things on the ground and the trees, then very quickly Libby was up in a tree!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jamba Juice

Between the wedding and reception, we stopped for a quick Jamba Juice treat. Reese loved it and drank most of the 16oz!

Shawn and Nina

Congratulations to Shawn and Nina on their beautiful wedding! Shawn is Daddy's cousin, so Daddy and Uncle Troy were both ushers. We had a great time dancing the night away. We wish Shawn and Nina a lifetime of happiness!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Care Bears

Reese is obsessed with Care Bears. You cannot find them in stores, but I searched online and finally found some. Share, Cheer, Funshine, Friend, and Good Luck Bear arrived today. Reese was in heaven! She yelled out each of their names as I pulled them out of the box. Then she said, "They are just like Lauren's," and looked amazed when I told her she got to keep them. Soon she gave them all a hug and told the Care Bears, "Thank you all for coming!" Guess she likes them!


We went to a playdate at our friends Megan, Cade, and Audrey's house today. They have a garden so the kids all picked their own carrot - and they were purple on the outside! It was great fun, and the carrot tasted delicious.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Reese has completely regressed in her potty training. After being perfectly trained for a month (rarely any accidents and usually dry overnight), she now never tells us when she has to pee - she just goes.

At first we thought we had to step up the excitement and motivation. So we tried various things, but without success:
- Stickers
- M&Ms
- Mommy acting very sad when she had an accident. Reese simply patted me on the back and told me, "It's no big deal, Mommy."
- Mommy acting very mad when she had an accident. Reese pouted a little, but it didn't change her behavior.

It's frustrating, but I'm trying not to overreact as I know regression is very common. And besides, it's difficult to stay mad/frustrated at this adorable little girl. We'll just keep trying.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Here's Reese acting silly this afternoon.


Reese participated in her first parade today. She rode in a float for MOPS, our Mothers' of Preschoolers group we are joining this fall. She had fun throwing candy, but even more fun eating a sucker and freezie while she rode.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Softball Tourney

We enjoyed watching Daddy play in a softball tournament today. Reese was a trooper all day -- from 10am until 7pm. I give Grandma and Grandpa Haag, lots of toys, and the very nice weather credit for her patience. She played hard all day, then crashed during the championship game. Good second place finish, Daddy!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mower County Fair

Reese and I made a quick trip to Austin to attend the Mower County Fair. She LOVED it. First she saw lots of animals - Clarabelles (cows), horses, pigs, ducks, bunny rabbits, and more. Next she played her first fair game and was thrilled to win a gigantic dolphin then a puppy dog! She also went on her first ride by herself - on a whale!

Reese had so much fun, we went back the next day to see more animals and go on a pony ride. Good times.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Morning Fun

Just another morning at the "water park" as Reese calls our fountain when she has her Strawberry Shortcake girls swim.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Libby vs. The Moth

Libby vs. The Moth... can you guess who won?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Movie Theater

Reese saw her first movie in a theater, and loved it. We went to the discount theater in Maple Grove (it cost just $5 total for the 3 of us), where "Rio" was playing. Reese ate lots of popcorn and was engaged and dancing throughout the entire movie.

She was a little too engaged at one point. If you aren't familiar with the storyline, there are two birds that are the last of their species brought together. There was one point when the birds were rolling around in the plants, sort-of alluding to the fact that their species wasn't going to be extinct anymore (if you know what I mean). Reese said very loudly, "What are those two doing together?" Everyone in the theater heard Reese and cracked up. I soon gave Reese her paci to help keep her comments limited.

When the movie ended and credits rolled, Reese said, "Let's watch it again!" She was very upset when we told her you only watch a movie one time in the theater. With this, we discovered another benefit of going to the discount theater -- the movie is already out on DVD! So we went to Target and watched it three more times at home.

Church Funnies

Reese did lots of funny things in church today. Here are a few...

When we were up at communion, Reese turned to me and said, "That is not good for me." Must have been her way of rationalizing why she did not get bread and wine.

As we walked back from communion, Reese grabbed both my hand and Todd's hand and swung her legs up and out, proudly displaying her undies to the entire congregation and giving everyone a chuckle.

When we got back to our pew, Reese put her face up to my mouth and said, "You have a drink in your mouth Mommy, I cannot kiss you." I guess the wine smell must have been strong!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Canterbury Park

We had a fun day with Troy, Tammy, Peyton, Brayden, Aubrey, and Shawn at the horse races at Canterbury Park. Reese helped Daddy get a big win in the first race, hitting a trifecta. She also enjoyed her first pony ride where we lucked out and got a light horse that Reese called "Honeypie" like the horse on Strawberry Shortcake. We concluded the big day with a huge meal at Denny's. Reese fell asleep for the night within 2 minutes on the car ride home. Exhausted!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hot at the Park

We went to the Lake Rebecca Park today. While the thermometer said 80 degrees, it felt super hot in the sun. We only lasted about an hour, then treated ourselves with a trip to Linnie's Ice Cream Shoppe. Reese placed her own order and ate her entire adult-sized chocolate cone. Yum!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Grumpy Face

We have been working with Reese on friendly faces instead of grumpy faces. She often has a grumpy face when people approach her in places. Now we just have to say "put on your friendly face instead of your grumpy face" and she gives people a big smile.

Here's a picture of Reese showing us her grumpy face.