Tuesday, March 20, 2012

More Accessories

Still more accessories.


So many accessories, so little time.

Science Experiment

We had fun doing a little science experiment today. Pour vinegar colored with food coloring into a pan of baking soda. Thanks to Pinterest for the fizzy fun idea.

Just Chillin'

Here are the girls, just chillin'.

Monday, March 19, 2012

2 Month Well Visit

Emmy had her 2 month well visit today. She is on track or above in her development. She weighs 10 pounds 13 ounces (37th percentile), is 23 inches long (63rd percentil), and her head is 15 1/4 inches (37th percentile).

I have been dreading this appointment for 2 months because of the vaccinations. Reese never did well with her vaccinations, and, unfortunately, Emmy appears to do the same. She cried bloody murder when she got her 3 shots and 1 oral medication and continued crying for about 10 minutes. She then slept most of the day, only waking to cry hysterically and eat. It was awful. I just held her all day in a dark room.

Finally, around 9pm she woke up and did not cry. Daddy was there when she woke up and she gave him big smiles. She always has smiles for Daddy - even after shots!

I don't think either of my girls have my high pain tolerance. Neither tolerated their shots well, and Emmy even cried bloody murder when I took off her bandaids. Oh geez! Her 4 month shots will come all too soon!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


We went shopping at the Mall of America today. We were looking for Easter dresses and spring/summer outfits. Reese isn't a big fan of shopping, so we had to bribe her with a ride on the carousel. I told her that we first had to shop for a few outfits, then we could go on the carousel. When I would ask her if she liked an outfit, she would quickly say, "Oh yes! Now can we go on the merry go round?" She has never been so agreeable in her life!

New Stroller

We love our new City Mini double stroller. It rides nicely, turns quickly, folds easily... and I guess is also a great cat bed.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Princess Party

Reese had a GREAT time at the Rockford Ambassadors Princess Party this afternoon. She got all dressed up in her Ariel costume and crown. When she was ready she told Daddy, "Come see! I'm gorgeous!"

At the party it was no surprise, her favorite activity was decorating (and eating) a crown cookie. She also enjoyed doing some crafts and having her finger nails painted.

I was so proud of her when it came time to take pictures. She stood so nicely and followed directions as the coordinator (slowly) placed all the girls for a big group shot. Then she patiently waited her turn for her individual shot - they went alphabetically by first name, so she had to wait quite awhile!

Reese even let Emmy "wear" her crown for a little while - but pretty quickly wanted it back.

I know there are a lot of pictures with this post, but they are just too cute!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Children's Museum

We had a fun day at the Children's Museum.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Betty's Babies

This week I had lunch with some of my co-workers from the Betty Crocker Kitchens. It was fun to catch up and introduce them to Emmy. Susan brought her 6-month-old Lise to the lunch too, so there were 2 Betty's babies together! Note on the picture, I intentionally cropped myself out because it was a terrible picture of me. Ugh! Time to get a haircut and take more than 30 seconds to put on make-up.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Sleep is very important, but very rare at our house.

So far, Emmy has been a GREAT sleeper. She gives us 5-7 hours straight at night, then after about an hour or so, goes back to sleep for a couple more hours. It's so amazing! I had no idea babies could sleep like this. Please, please, please keep it up!

Reese, on the other hand, has always been a poor sleeper. Still to this day, she rarely sleeps through the night. We play musical beds at night. Our pattern since Emmy was born is...
- Bedtime at 10:00 (I know that sounds crazy to most people, but it's actually much better than her previous schedule of going to sleep at 11:00 or 12:00)
- Daddy reads stories in her bed, turns off the light, says prayers, and stays in her bed
- Reese then comes out of her room and into my room to ask some sort of question (can I have a snack, can I go downstairs and play, etc)
- When I say no and tell her to go back to her room, she usually tells me, "Ok, but first I have to sweep" (the laundry room). I hear her clanking around in the laundry room for awhile, then she makes her way back into her room
- With Daddy still in her bed (usually sleeping at this point), she climbs in, snuggles up, and goes to sleep
- Sometime during the night, Daddy wakes up and comes back into our room
- Usually 30 minutes later, we hear Reese's door open and she comes into our room, climbs into bed, and falls right asleep.

Here are a few pictures of our crowded bed. The only thing you can't see is Libby (our cat) snuggled at the foot of the bed too.

So, although our newborns is an awesome sleeper, our nights are still not restful. Oh well, I figure we'll get a full nights sleep in a few years when Reese and Emmy can play musical beds with each other.


Reese was exhausted from her day with Grandma and Grandpa. She fell asleep on the drive home and continued sleeping for 14 hours!! Reese cracked me up this morning when she came downstairs, looked at her outfit, and asked me, "Does this match?" I had to laugh and tell her no -- we only had time to change into her pajama pants last night.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Granny Pant(ies)

We spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa Haag's house.

Reese kept Grandma and Grandpa running all day long. They only took one break to watch, as Reese says, "The Scary Scooby Doo movie." Reese and Geandma Haag both like to be scared. I'm sure they will exchange mystery novels and go to horror movies together on the future.

Reese was having so much fun that she forgot to take a break to go to the bathroom. She had two accidents, and I only brought one change of clothes. Luckily Grandma Haag is very petite, so Reese was able to wear some of Grandma's sweatpants! This brings a whole new meaning to "granny pant(ies)"! Reese was very proud to be wearing her pants and as we were leaving asked, "Grandma, can I keep your pants?!?"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Shopping Buddy

Reese went to Heather's house today, so Emmy and I decided to go to the mall. I wanted to get a workout in (as a mall walker) and THOUGHT Emmy would get a good nap in the stroller. But Emmy seemed to love all the sights and sounds of the mall, and stayed awake the entire 3 hours. Guess she'll be my shopping buddy. Daddy better watch out!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


The many expressions of Emmy -- some serious, but many happy and sweet.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Boo Boos

Reese has gotten a few boo boos lately. Whenever she falls or gets a scratch, she goes to the freezer to find a Boo Boo Bunny. The bunny plus a kiss from Mommy usually makes it all feel better.

Elmo Party

Happy 3rd birthday to our neighbor Katie! Reese was excited about the party for days, and even practiced singing happy birthday earlier in the week. We had a lot of fun at her Elmo party making Dorothy fish, an Elmo puppet, and name necklaces.

Friday, March 2, 2012


I put out the jungle mat for Emmy to play with, but others in the house appear to be enjoying it more than Emmy. Reese uses it to pretend her Lion King characters are in the jungle, and Libby uses it to pretends SHE'S in the jungle.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


We decided to get out of the house (7 weeks is a long time to be cooped up!) and headed to Austin this week. We enjoyed 4 days in Spamtown playing with different toys, seeing Great Grandma, and just getting lots and lots of snuggles from Grandpa and Grandma Cipra. I think we'll be heading back soon.