Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spot It

Reese really enjoys playing games.  One of her favorites is "Spot It" - a card game where you have to quickly find pictures that match.  She could beat anyone who dares to challenge her.  Check out this video.

Friday, July 27, 2012


We hosted a neighborhood party to kick off the summer Olympics.  Todd and I love the Olympics, so we wanted to make it really fun for Reese and her friends.  Plus, we thought Reese would let us watch the Olympics on TV the next 2+ weeks if she had experienced it a little bit herself.

We decorated the yard with flags and Olympic rings, played patriotic music, and had lots of yummy food.

The kids made USA pennants to cheer on our team.

We kicked things off with a torch run.

The kids said the (modified) Olympic oath: "I promise to follow the rules.  To be fair.  To be a good sport and not whine if I don't win a medal.  I'll remember to play for fun!"

Then... let the games begin!

So proud during the National Anthem after the first event.

Reese made 3 shots to win gold in basketball!

Emmy also won gold  in basketball in her age division.

Click here for a video of Reese competing in the "Most Patriotic" event.

The whole crew (including Bode who was trying to avoid the picture)...

Good job, sister!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sprinkle Ice Cream

We enjoyed a play date with some friends today at a splash pad.  Reese was very brave and ran through the sprinklers.  To be honest, I'm not sure I would have run through because they were super cold and fast.  She's getting more and more brave in situations like this. 

But her favorite part of the day was sitting in Henry's swing eating ice cream topped with sprinkles.  Yum!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mommy and Daddy

Cute picture of Emmy with Mommy and Daddy.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wear Her Out

It is no secret we have trouble getting Reese to sleep at night.  We have spent a lot of money on toys and activites that we hope will wear her out.  Our latest purchases include a small trampoline for her the living room and this skip/jump toy from Creative Kid Stuff.

While she has a lot of fun with these toys, they still don't wear her out.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Big Week: Sitting, Teeth & Sippy

It has been a big week for Emmy. 

She has been sitting up by herself for awhile, but now sits without toppling over.  We can now officially say she has mastered this skill -- and she is proud of herself.

She also got her first teeth - both on the bottom.  Her first tooth came in on July 13th, and the second just a day later.  She handled getting teeth really well.  Not a lot of fussiness, no fever, and not a lot of drooling.  I hope she handles all her teeth this well!

Finally, she tried a sippy cup for the first time.  I was hopeful (since she still won't take a bottle) that maybe a sippy cup could be our back-up plan.  She enjoyed playing with her sippy, but not sure she actually drank much.  We'll keep trying.

Monday, July 16, 2012

6 Month Well Visit

Emmy had her 6 month well visit at the doctor today, and everything went "well".

She weighs 15 pounds 4 ounces (34th percentile); is 26 inches long (55th percentile); and head is 17 inches (69th percentile).  We were a little surprised to hear the size of her head.  Doesn't she know she's part of the little head family (Mommy, Daddy, and Reese all have small heads)?!?

Emmy continues to be ahead on development.  Dr. Bryan was surprised she can sit up so well on her own and how social Emmy was by smiling, reaching for things, and interacting with the doctor and nurses.

The only negative part of the visit was her 4 immunizations.  But, she handled them very well, and seemed the most upset with the fact she was being held down.  I'm also happy to report that she was good natured and did not spike a fever this time after her shots.  So nice!! 

Dr. Bryan said Emmy is one of the cutest babies she's ever seen, and, in her words, "And I see a lot of babies!"  She even brought another doctor in our room just to admire Emmy's cuteness.  :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Reese and Emmy go to Perkins so often, they should be members of their frequent diners' club.  Reese places her own order, and almost always orders the same thing -- a chocolate muffin and milk to start, followed by sprinkle pancakes.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Just Cute

Just a couple cute pictures of Emmy.  We continue to receive comments from friends and strangers that "She should model" and "Get her an agent!"

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Too Easy

Reese told me that the preschool games we have on the iPad are now "too easy."  So, she decided to challenge herself by playing the games with her toes instead of her fingers.  Silly girl. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


A few funny things Reese has said lately...

When she wants to kiss me she says, "Let's kiss each others."  It's too cute for me to correct her.

Reese has wanted the 4 of us to hug lately.  She yells, "Family hug!" and gathers us all around for a squeeze. 

In church, during the sermon, Reese was quietly inspecting her mosquito bites.  She then yelled, "Those darn mosquitos!" for the entire congregation to hear... and laugh.
We were out shopping one day and parked by a bright yellow car.  Reese got out and said, "Wow, look at that taxi!"  The owner of the car happened to be getting into his car at that very moment, but chose to ignore the comment.

Reese is very particular about the outfits she wears, even to bed.  It was hot, so Daddy tried to put a short sleeve shirt on Reese for bed.  Reese yelled, "No!  Daddy, go into the close and get the shirt tha matches these bottoms!"

Reese and Daddy often read a book about a daddy bear and little girl bear before bed.  On one page it talks about the daddy and little girl like to do their own things when they're apart.  Reese asked, "Daddy, that bear likes to paint.  What things do you like to do no your own?"  Daddy explained how he likes to watch sports or play sports.  She's getting so smart and inquisitive.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Birthday Cake

Happy birthday to Grandpa Cipra.  Reese was very excited to celebrate with him -- especially because there was birthday cake!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gold Medals

Grandma Cipra was the big winner at a golf event this weekend.  Emmy was facinated with her 4 gold medals!

Grandpa Cipra got his 9th hole-in-one earlier this week, and Grandma Cipra was just inches away from her 1st hole-in-one during the weekend golf event.  If they both (husband/wife) got a hole-in-one in the same week, I was going to write in to have them featured in Sports Illustrated.  But, she was just inches away, so they'll have to keep trying.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hot Tub

We had our friends the Hedtkes and Lorenzes over tonight.  The kids and dads took a quick dip in the hot tub.

I thought it was so funny when Mac (age 4) insisted on blow drying his hair after his swim.  Already worried about looking good for the ladies.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Emmy is really starting to enjoy her toys.  It's fun to see her get so excited!

Click here for a video of Emmy with her "double chop" move to open two dinosaur eggs at the same time.  This takes talent! (Please ignore the 3-year-old with her paci.  We are still allowing Reese to have her paci at night, but sometimes she sneaks it downstairs.  I know we should just throw it away, but I'll be honest, I'm too weak!)

Emmy prefers to play with Reese's toys more than her own.  The arguing has already begun - Reese snatching her toys away and Emmy crying.  Ugh.  I assume this will continue for the next 10+ years.

But the sisters still love each other, and do play together sometimes.

I took this picture of Emmy, and it reminded me a lot of a picture I took of Reese around the same age.  Top picture is Emmy at almost 6 months old.  Bottom picture is Reese at 7 months old.  They appear to have very different looks!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Indoor Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!

It's so hot outside (heat index of 110!), so we decided to spend this Independence Day indoors.  We first hit up Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America.  Reese was very brave going on lots of rides.

Reese was a little scared of the Wonderpets ride, so asked me to go with her and hold her hand.  My hips barely fit into the seat and felt a absolutely ridiculous, but Reese had fun.

The Log Chute ride was the most daring of the day.  Reese and Brayden had fun UNTIL the big drop off.  As you can see from their faces, they were SCARED.  Reese cried and told me, "I don't want to do the fun part again!!!"  I felt terrible for taking them!

Luckily they were not too tramatized from the Log Chute, and Reese even told me later that is was a LITTLE bit fun.

After the amusement park, we went to the Waterpark of America to swim and stay overnight.  Reese went down the kid slides about 10,000 times (and especially liked it when Daddy would race her), and Mommy and Daddy even took a few turns going down the big slides. 

Emmy had fun staying in a hotel for the first time.

We watched some fireworks on TV, which was actually a very nice way to watch fireworks with little kids - no noise (we had the TV on mute because Emmy already fell asleep) and no mosquitos!  We all crashed early from an exhausting day indoors.