Saturday, September 29, 2012


I had a MOPS retreat today, and was away from the girls for 8 hours.  This is the longest I've been away since Emmy was born.  But, everyone seemed to do just fine -- great in fact.  Of course Grandma and Grandpa Haag came to help out.

Then they met the rest of the Haags at the apple orchard for some fun.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Super Fans

Reese, Emmy and Sienna had fun watching their daddies play flag football tonight.  They were all super fans who cheered them onto victory.  Ok, actually they didn't watch a single minute of the game and instead did gymnastics moves on the sidelines.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Day in the Life

Just some random pictures from a typical day in our life.

Our little bookworm put on her "Smart Cookie" shirt, glasses, and sat down to read.

Poor Emmy has a terrible diaper rash, so we went to the doctor to get her prescription "poop goop", and are trying to give her lots of air time to heal.

Emmy is still SO CLOSE to crawling, but not quite there yet.

She refuses to let us feed her, and uses the spoon all by herself.  This is not a neat process.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Field Trip

Reese attended her first preschool field trip, and I helped chaperon.  We had so much fun at Apple Jack Orchard!

Although we only live about 3 miles from the orchard, we met the class at school and rode the bus.

Wow - that's a lot of preschoolers!

No surprise Reese spent most of her free/play time by the animals.

We learned all about apples!

Reese is very quiet at preschool, but she talked non-stop with her buddy Hannah during lunch.

Cut It Up

We have entered the stage where I spend all my meal times cutting up food into tiny pieces.  Emmy LOVES table food, but still only has 2 teeth, so I cut, and cut, and cut leaving little time for me to eat dinner.  Perhaps this is a good new diet plan?!?

Right now Emmy will eat pretty much anything you put in front of her.  But her favorite thing to eat is meat -- chicken, hamburger, hot dogs, etc.

Reese's favorite thing to eat right now is treats/dessert.  But, after we have argued for awhile, she will finally agree to eat some healthy things like chicken, mac 'n cheese, grilled cheese, grapes, bananas, and watermelon.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Emmy Awards

We hosted a super fun party tonight -- Emmy's 1st annual Emmy Awards Party, sponsored by Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.  It was a fun night for our family and our neighborhood girlfriends.  I think this is going to be a fun tradition!

We rolled out the red carpet.
"Brian (don't call me Ryan) Seacrest" interviewed the stars as they arrived.

Wait, Reese, where are you going?

The girls made their own Hollywood Stars. 

Everyone voted for their favorite TV shows and characters.

We had our own mini Emmy Awards ceremony. 

And the winner is... drum roll... Doc McStuffins in the preschool category and Victorious in the big girl category.

Carly was voted "best dressed" of the night.
We ate some yummy food and snacked on a popcorn bar. 

These three girls were all born on exactly the same day 5 years ago.  Crazy!
The girls grabbed their swag bags and posed for more pictures.

Reese snuck into a picture with the big girls.
Note this is the ONLY dress that Reese would wear.  Guess she was going for the mini dress look.

Here's the whole crews.

The camera lights were blinding, even with their star sunglasses on.

The paparazzi.

We had a great time hosting this party.  Can't wait for next year!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Letter R

Reese can recognize all letters, but has not been interested in writing yet.  Today Grandma Cipra convinced her to write an "R" for "Reese."  I think she did a pretty good job!