We had a fun week at Vacation Bible School. I taught Reese's Pre-K class again this year, and had a great group of 15 kids. We sang songs, did crafts, played games, and most importantly learned about God.
My class was full of cuties, many of which loved to snuggle with me. One even licked me, which I took as a sign of affection. I only had one 3 year old who caused a bit of trouble, including a sprint through the parking lot one day where I tried various tactics like "come back and help me with this fun game", "I bet you can't run toward the other kids", and even "I'm going to tell your dad!!!!" None of those tactics worked... I think he just got tired so I finally caught up to him.
I found out there is a huge difference between 3 year olds and 4 year olds -- the 4 year olds are much more mature. Reese too was a complely different student this year vs. last year. She stood in the front to sing songs, raised her hand to answer questions, and rarely needed special attention from me. Just look at her all dressed up, complete with her purse (full of My Little Ponies)...
I was well-prepared this year and carried around a huge bag (which my teaching assistant, Kaitlyn, called my "Mary Poppins bag") full of things to keep the kids occupied/out of trouble with any spare minute. Here's a list to remind myself for next year: homemade play dough in individual baggies for each child to keep germs in check, parachute, white boards, action dice, daubers with printed sheets corresponding to the Bible lesson, ball for circle soccer. Also to remind myself for next year: sing "Where is Thumbkin"; as kids form a line say "I'm standing in a line, I'm standing very tall, my hands are by my side, I'm ready for the hall"; play follow the leader by flying like a bird, flapping like a chicken, etc. Thanks to Grandma Cipra for all these ideas.