The girls wrapped up their 2-week swim camps today. Neither passed their level, but both had fun.
It was no surprise Emmy did not pass since she REFUSES to put her eyes in the water. The teachers have commented that she is one of the cutest, most strong-willed kids they have ever had. Emmy's version of diving for rings... neck stretched because there is absolutely no way she'll put her eyes in the water! At least her teacher, Joy, found it amusing.
But, Emmy made progress at camp because she actually enjoyed the water and has mastered the back float.
I was surprised Reese did not pass because she did a great job. I guess they said she needs to improve her back float a bit before moving to the next level. She was VERY upset when she found out she did not pass -- she loves to succeed at things. We had a long talk about the purpose of swimming lessons -- simply to learn how to swim so she's safe and can have fun in the water, not to be an Olympic swimmer with perfect strokes.