Sunday, May 17, 2009


Daddy decided to prove Mommy wrong and show that Reese WILL use her new playset this summer. Mommy kept telling him Reese would not use it for two years. So, he put her in her infant swing and ran out of the way to take a few very quick pictures.


  1. HOLY COW! That playset is the grand daddy of all. Todd didn't cut any corners, did he? Reese has it better than my two kids who CAN run and play on theirs! Where did you end up putting it? Did you have to re-landscape and level?

  2. Erika,
    We got it on clearance at Toys R Us. Todd can't pass up a good deal! We cleared some little trees and lots of weeds, leveled, and put in our backyard. We purposely left it un-landscaped for a playset some day. Like I said, Todd is a planner! -Suz
