Monday, June 8, 2009

Back to Work

I went back to work today after 4 months of maternity leave. It was a tough morning leaving the house and I shed a few tears knowing that I would not see Reese for 9 hours (the longest I have ever been away from her!). But, I knew she was in great hands with Granny Nanny (my mom) and my dad even came along this week. They were ready to start "day care" at 8:00 with caffeine consumed and Baby Biorn on ready for action.

Once I got to work I kept myself very busy with meetings and updates. I only called home twice to see how Reese was doing. :) Luckily I really enjoy my job so I think I'll be okay... especially knowing it is only 3 days then I'm back to my honey for a very long weekend!


  1. They look like the best daycare providers that money can buy!! Reese is a lucky girl. I'm impressed you only called twice!

  2. I'm glad it went well! It gets easier too, and makes those nights at home extra special!
