Reese just about gave me a heart attack last night. She was playing in her room after a bath, so I decided to put her in her crib with a stuffed animal while I went downstairs to grab something. While downstairs I heard a big thud and then silence. My heart stopped for a second, then I sprinted upstairs to see what happened. I found Reese standing up in her crib with a huge smile on her face - one hand straight up holding onto her mobile, the other hand on the crib rail. As it turns out, the thud was just the monitor that she had knocked down while walking around the crib. I might be exaggerating, but I swear she could have flipped herself out of the crib. Since I didn't have time to lower her matteress to the lowest level last night, I ended up putting pillows all around her crib just in case she tried to flip out during the night. Parenting is so stressful!
Amazingly, Reese had a fantastic sleeping night. She set a personal record and slept for 11 hours straight without waking up! It was like a dream come true. Ironically I stayed up reading a new book called "The Sleepeasy Solution" because I've finally come to the end of my rope and need to start teaching Reese how to sleep through the night without our assistance. I'm pretty sure last night was just a fluke and I'll start my sleep teaching soon - not at all looking forward to it!
This morning Reese has been pulling herself up to standing by the window, on my leg, and in her crib while napping. Good job, Reese. Just stop giving Mommy heart attacks.
Ah the ups and downs of motherhood....fortunately neither of my kids attempted to climb out of their cribs (probably helped that I put them in beds early). Be SO careful with your windows. Logan (unintentionally) pushed one of our screens out of the dining room window this summer when he was trying to yell at Brian in the backyard. He was fine, but my heart skipped a beat when the screen was laying on the patio all jumbled up! (Great - now I just have you something NEW to worry about!) :)