Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daddy's Home

Hooray! Daddy is home! After days of uncertainty, loss of communication because his laptop crashed and cell phone would no longer charge, 5 scheduled then cancelled flights and train tickets, it was a fluke that Todd got on a plane yesterday. He happened to call me at work just as I was walking out the door. Todd heard on the news (the one station that was in English) that the European Union held a conference and they were going to schedule some new flights Tues morning. So we decided to check just in case. We were shocked to find a flight at 10:30am Tues morning, , a seat available, and actually scheduled to depart! Long story short, he walked in the door at 10:00pm Tues. What a relief!

Reese was already sleeping when he got home, but was so excited to see Daddy when she woke up. She immediately started smiling and gaving him kisses. She was soon saying, "Dada, Dada, Dada" and back to playing with their favorite toys together. Todd stayed home with Reese on Wed and they had a great day bonding. Reese would not let him out of her sight on Wed evening, so we went to watch Daddy play in the "old man" basketball league in Rockford.

Since Todd has so much extra time in Paris, he did a little shopping for his girls. He bought me a beautiful scarf, Reese a pink rugby outfit and soccer ball, and little socks that are too small for Reese so Belle the cat will have to wear instead.

Welcome home, Daddy!

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