Reese is becoming quite the character. Here are some more funny things she has said lately.
When Reese saw the weather girl on TV, she said, "Tammy!" She's right, Tammy does look like Chikage Windler on KSTP!
Reese says "See it" whenever she sees something or simply when looking for something.
"Hold that" is one of Reese's favorite phrases lately. She says it when she hands us a toy, her sippy cup, etc when she's busy moving on to something else.
Reese went and got Grandma's phone the other day, handed it to her, and said, "Call Papa."
When Reese finds one of her hair bows, she hands it to me and says, "Tie a bow."
Reese always looks for the porcupine in her animal book - she calls it "Porkie". When she finds it in the book she says "Poke! Ouch!" and hits herself on the head as if it's poking her.
This happened awhile ago, but we were leaving the doctor appointment after her tetnus shot. We got into the car and Reese said, "Mama, drive!" as if to say get me out of here!
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