Reese loves to jump. Our days are filled with Reese saying "I'm jumpin'!", "Bouncin'!" and "Hop like a bunny!"
Tonight her jumping got dangerous when we were outside. She jumped on the lawn chair, stairs, and side of the inflatable pool. Let me clarify, she does not climb, but actually jumps and gets air time -- and of course refuses to let me help her. This dangerous jumping pushed me over the edge. I called Grandma Cipra and asked her to stop at Toys R Us on the way to our house and buy a jumper. I realize the huge jumper a bit extravagant, but I figure this investment will save me some trips to the emergency room! As an added bonus, I'm hoping the jumper wears Reese out so she starts going to bed before midnight!
As you can see, Reese LOVES her new toy. Her eyes were filled with excitment as she watched me inflate it. After jumping for a few minutes, she turned to me and said, "I like it!!" Reese and Grandma jumped for an hour tonight. Every time Grandma would get out to take a rest, Reese would say, "Grandma, back in!"
What an awesome Grandma! I don't think I would jump that long!