Reese's new favorite activity is a matching game with her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cards. She's obsessed with finding matching characters, shapes, and colors -- especially the Pluto cards with pink triangles!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Matching Game
Reese's new favorite activity is a matching game with her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cards. She's obsessed with finding matching characters, shapes, and colors -- especially the Pluto cards with pink triangles!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Academy Awards
Friday, February 25, 2011
Underwater World
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Aubrey's Baptism
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Whisker Whirl
Friday, February 18, 2011
Can I?
Lately, Reese has been saying "Can I?" for nearly everything. She says, "Can I have a drink?", "Can I put Malcolm down the slide?", "Can I rock-a-bye?", "Can I read this book", "Can I have goldfish?", etc, etc, you get the idea. I don't think she's really asking my permission. She just wants to talk all day long!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
G&G Haag
Grandma and Grandpa Haag took care of Reese today while I was at work. They had great fun in the morning playing with Libby, taking her dolls on a pretend shopping trip, and more. Reese became sick in the afternoon so they just relaxed and read every single book that Reese owns.
After Reese's Ibuprofen kicked in that evening she told me, "I had fun with Grandma and Grandpa!"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Todd and Reese have both been sick this week. Reese has a little cold, but luckily her chest sounded good and ears showed no signs of infection at the doctor. Todd is sicker with cold symptoms plus is weak and has the chills. Reese and I have been avoiding him this week to try not to catch his bug. But, Reese missed her daddy tonight and wanted to snuggle on the couch.
2 Year Check-Up
Reese had her 2 year check-up with Dr. Bryan today. She weighs 25 pounds (25th percentile - peanut!), is 33.5 inches tall (40th percentile - although I'm not sure this is accurate because she was wiggling and think she might be taller) and her head is 18.5 inches (40th percentile). She's on track or ahead in all her development milestones. Way to go, Reese!
We didn't have any immunizations today, but she had to have some blood drawn for a routine check for anemia. I talked to Reese about the blood draw in the lobby, and the nurse was very impressed when she voluntarily held out her finger to prick. Reese didn't even cry when pricked! The only time tears were shed was when the nurse tried to tape her two fingers together to stop the blood flow. Reese cried and screamed "It's really really hurting!" The nurse felt so bad, she separated the two fingers and gave a bandaid instead. The lab session ended with a princess reward sticker.
After the doctor visit, Reese and I went out to lunch. I was looking forward to a relaxing lunch, so we brought in Reese's portable video player. She was happy as could be, ate all her lunch, and we stayed for almost 2 hours watching videos and playing the games that came on her DVD.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Super Bowl Party
Just Balloons
I think the party really threw Reese off. She was awake from 2-6am last night! When she finally woke up at 11am this morning, she walked downstairs and said in a disappointed voice, "No more party. Just balloons."
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Post Party
Big Birthday Bash - part 3
Sticking with our school bus party theme, the kids enjoyed a ride around Rockford on a real school bus! We got 20+ kids' coats, hats, and boots on in record time and headed outside. We sang "Wheels on the Bus" and other songs by Reese's request, including "Row Row Row Your Boat", "If You're Happy and You Know It", "and more. Reese sat in her seat with a huge grin on her face the entire ride.
Big Birthday Bash - part 2
Big Birthday Bash
About 50 people came over to celebrate Reese's 2nd birthday with a big bash! We had fun making a school bus craft (courtesy of Grandma Cipra who remains a kindergarten teacher at heart), jumping in the bounce house, and more. The party was so great, I have to write a few blog posts to capture all the fun.
Pre Party
Friday, February 4, 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday
Happy 2nd birthday to our beautiful, hilarious daughter. We love you, Reese!
Her birthday started with to Barnes and Noble for her favorite meal (quiche and M&M bar) and new Nemo books. She came home for an afternoon of playing with her new Mickey toy. And we ended the night singing "happy birthday" with candles in her dessert.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Dancing Mickey
Reese received an early birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa Cipra tonight. She gpt the much anticipated and hot toy of the year - Dancing Mickey Mouse! She was very excited when she opened the package and said, "Just like Lexi!" Reese loves to watch the blog video of her friend Lexi dancing with Mickey - now she can dance too.
Getting Ready
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