Reese had her 2 year check-up with Dr. Bryan today. She weighs 25 pounds (25th percentile - peanut!), is 33.5 inches tall (40th percentile - although I'm not sure this is accurate because she was wiggling and think she might be taller) and her head is 18.5 inches (40th percentile). She's on track or ahead in all her development milestones. Way to go, Reese!
We didn't have any immunizations today, but she had to have some blood drawn for a routine check for anemia. I talked to Reese about the blood draw in the lobby, and the nurse was very impressed when she voluntarily held out her finger to prick. Reese didn't even cry when pricked! The only time tears were shed was when the nurse tried to tape her two fingers together to stop the blood flow. Reese cried and screamed "It's really really hurting!" The nurse felt so bad, she separated the two fingers and gave a bandaid instead. The lab session ended with a princess reward sticker.
After the doctor visit, Reese and I went out to lunch. I was looking forward to a relaxing lunch, so we brought in Reese's portable video player. She was happy as could be, ate all her lunch, and we stayed for almost 2 hours watching videos and playing the games that came on her DVD.
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