Friday, June 22, 2012

Corcoran Lions Park

We went to a new park today for a MOPS playdate.  Reese was excited to see that her outfit matched the playground equipment perfectly -- all purple and teal!

I used to love this ride (I don't know what it's called - maybe a merry-go-round?) when I was a kid.  We had two at my elementary school, and everyone would always RUN to them at recess.  I had fun pushing Reese and some other kids on the ride, but I got very dizzy.  Why does that happen when you get older?  Rides never used to bother me, but now spinning makes me feel like I've had too many cocktails.

Emmy cooperated nicely by taking a long nap in her stroller so Reese and Mommy could play.


  1. Emmy looks like your Dad in this sleeping picture!!

    1. Laura, I'll tell Clark...he'll be so proud. Love, Val
