A few recent funnies...
Emmy is very possessive of me. Lately, whenever I give Reese attention or hugs, Emmy yells, "MY mommy" and runs to my arms. When I tell her I am Reese's mommy too, she says, "No, MY mommy."
Reese says her prayers every night. Her latest thing is she tells us not to listen, whispers for a couple minutes, then immediately tells us, "Want to hear what I prayed? I said, Thank you God for all the trees and animals. Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, and Emmy. I hope you never have to die again. Thank you for taking my sins."
We really need to cut back on Reese's iPad screen time. She has been into watching toy commercials on You Tube lately. We justify this by the fact she is learning and asking us, "What does sold separately and batteries not included mean?" To give you an example, here is one of her favorite toy commercials http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWhfdLnzTC8.
When the girls are crabby and constantly saying "no", I now call them "Negative Nelly(ies)." They really don't like this term and immediately yell, "I'm not Negative Nelly!" One time I explained to Reese, "You just have to stop saying no, then I won't call you Negative Nelly anymore." To that, she immediately replied, "But Mom, I have to say no for EXPRESSION!"
Reese was learning about apples at school, and they got to sample different kinds. Reese told me, "My favorite was one called Granny Smith, eventhough is is sour. Ha! There is really an apple called Granny Smith! I told Mrs. Koosman just like the [My Little] Pony Granny Smith!" I'm pretty sure Reese thinks the apple was named after the pony, and not the other way around.
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