Reese has set a personal record... she slept through the night two nights in a row! She has now slept through the night a total of 7 times in her 11 1/2 months of life -- yes, we are definitely counting. We have tried lots of things to help her sleep in the past, so I'm not sure what has made her turn the corner this week. It could be multiple things... (1) she is finally getting over her ear infection, so her ears no longer hurt (2) we have started supplementing with formula, so maybe that sticks to her ribs better than breastmilk (3) her crib is now softer as we put up her bumper and added a pillow, and she likes to sleep with her whole body on the pillow and head pressed against the bumper (4) we have stuck to a bedtime routine, and (5) we are really trying to wear her out during the day with lots of activities out of the house and playing (chasing!) at home. We have tried all these things in the past and they didn't work, but maybe it's a combination of all these things at once... or more likely Reese is just growing up!
Speaking of her bedtime routine, it's really cute. First we take a bath. Then we play in her closet where she likes to take her clothes off the hangers. Next we tuck Daddy in. He literally has to climb into bed (no matter if he's ready for bed or not), shut off the lights, and say night night (Reese says "na na" too which is adorable!). We also look around the entire house to show that it is completely dark and no one is awake having fun. Finally we go back into her room, turn on the noise machine, drink a bottle and rock to sleep. The entire process takes about an hour, but it is time well spent when she sleeps for 12 hours!
Now I'm not getting ahead of myself, it has only been two nights. But I'll take it!
I took this picture this morning when Reese just woke up. She waved to me as I walked in the door - her way of saying "good morning!"
Fingers and toes crossed!! Go Reese...we know you can do it!