Happy birthday to our baby girl! We can't believe Reese is already one year old!
Unfortunately Reese is still sick on her birthday, so we just relaxed at home and reflected on the past year. It has been quite a ride. We have made so many great memories this year, but here are some of our most prominent memories...
* Very FAST delivery. Reese made her entry into the world just 34 minutes after arriving at the hospital. I thank her for a very easy labor & delivery!
* Peanut! Reese was just 5 pounds 13 ounces when she was born. She remains petite and is just 18 pounds (dripping wet) at one year.
* Feeding troubles - this was not a good memory. We struggled breastfeeding for 10 weeks until the lactation consultants told me to give it up (you know things are bad when the lactation consultants tell you to stop!). So, I decided to pump exclusively. We made it for the entire year and I'm so happy to be done with that pump! Reese also went on acid reflux medicine around 10 weeks and it made a world of difference. She is now a pretty good eater. She doesn't eat a lot of food at a time, but is good about trying different foods.
* No sleep. Unfortunately Reese is not a good sleeper, which is so surprising because Daddy and I love to sleep. I think (hope!) we finally turned a corner at 11 1/2 months because she has now slept through the night multiple times. Keep it going! We have lots of catching up to do!
* So affectionate! Reese has always loved to snuggle, and now gives lots of kisses complete with fish lips and a smacking noise. It's the best sound in the world!
* BFFs! Reese has made so many great friends in her first year. We had great fun at many play dates and looking at our friends blogs & You Tube videos daily. Some of her best friends are Carly, Ellie, Laura, Katie, Kaija, Lexi, Henry, Malin, Evie, Harper, Tatum (well, we look forward to meeting baby Tatum soon), Liam, Lily, Luca, Logan, Audra, and Edie... just to name a few.
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