Friday, February 5, 2010

Top Five

We thought it would be fun to capture some of Reese's favorites/ top 5 at one year old...

Favorite Animals (as seen in books)
- Dogs
- Owls
- Peacocks
- Cats
- Squirrels

Favorite Songs
- Reesie Pie (to the tune of Smelly Cat from "Friends" sung by Daddy)
- Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands
- Clifford's Pack Street Dogs
- Sesame Street Song
- La, La, La, La Elmo's Song

Favorite Places in our House
- Pantry
- Basement
- Her closet
- Office on the computer
- Anywhere Belle (the cat) is at

Favorite Books
- Kiss Kiss
- Counting Kisses (yes, there is a kissing theme here)
- First Words
- My Little Animal Book
- Hello, Baby

Favorite Foods
- Nilla Wafers
- Veggie Puffs
- Cheerios
- Meat (all kinds)
- Yogurt

Favorite Toys
- Books
- Balls and Basement Games
- Kitchen Set
- Monkey and Dolls
- Pink Bear whom she loves to dive on when Daddy chases her

Future Careers
- Vet because she loves animals and her little vet kit
- Mommy because she loves to rock and kiss her dolls
- Cook because she loves her play kitchen and to watch Mommy cook
- Musician because she dances whenever she hears a tune
- General Mills because Mommy and Daddy both work there

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