Reese has become very independent this week refusing my help with things and knowing what she wants. Here are a few examples...
Last night I made her dinner and put it on a plate. She would not eat and kept saying "Purple". I could not figure it out until she pointed to the cabinet where I keep the plates. She wanted to eat off her purple plate, not the orange plate I had put her food on! Once I transferred her food, she gobbled it up.
Again last night I asked her if she wanted grapes with dinner. She promptly said, "No, Melon" so we had watermelon instead.
Reese has always liked helping with laundry and playing with her clothes. She used to let me help put things away, but now she wants to do it all herself - including hanging things up in the closet.
I could go on and on... Reese is becoming little Miss Independent.
Watch out for this streak when she gets older!! lol