Here are some of Reese's fun new words this week...
* "Hug" and "Kiss" fortunatley Reese says these two words often and gives big hugs and kisses when she says them. We love it!
* "McDonalds" which probably means we have made too many trips here
* "Shrek", "Fiona", "Donkey" and "Gingy" again, too many trips to McDonalds for these Happy Meal toys
* "Bus" Reese says this word a lot. She has a few toy buses, loves to watch the school bus drop off the kids in the neighborhood (she's going to be so sad now that the school year is ending), and at our church parking lot where we got to touch a bus which was the greatest!
* "Basketball" Reese has been saying this word for awhile, but it used to be "bah-ball" and now is all 3 syllables
* Many animal sounds like "Meow", "Woof-Woof", "Tweet", "Who-Whoo" and
Blub Blub" for the "Fishie"
* "Happy" Daddy is trying to teach Reese emotions, and she seems to be catching on to this one
* "Clean" and "Mess"
* "Airplane"
* "Train"
* "Man" meaning Policeman when she hears sirens
* "Coon" for racoon and "Pecker" for woodpecker - two animals found in our backyard
* "Owie" said whenever she sees a cut on our skin. She pointed to a cut on my leg the other day, said "Owie", and then kissed it to make it feel better. So nice!
You have inspired me to keep track of Henry's words. We had his 18 month appt. this week and his pediatrician is very impressed with his vocab. (as I'm sure Reese's will also be). Apparently the 18 month milestone is at least 10 words!