Reese went to the doctor today for her 3 year well visit. She is perfectly healthy and well ahead in her development.
She weighs 30 pounds (43rd percentile) and is 37 3/4 inces tall (60th percentile). She's cone a long way since she was my tiny 5 pound 13 ouunce newborn.
The only development things we need to work on are dressing herself, brushing her own hair, and other independent actions. It's not that Reese can't do those things, I just have never let her try. Guess we'll have to allow more time and I'll have to practice my patience to allow her to do these things on her own.
Reese did great at her appointment. She followed all directions like opening her mouth and saying ahhhh, standing on the scale, etc. The only negative was she had to have a flu shot. She tried to be very brave, but did cry when they administered the shot. Darn shots!
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