Happy 3rd birthday to Reese! She had a fun party with a dinosaur theme (her request). I decided to make it a "fierce but feminine" dinosaur theme, and made signs (one banner said "Reese-o-saurus") and decorations (obviously made all this before Emmy was born because I do not have time now)!
We decided to have a smaller party than for Reese's 2nd birthday, so invited family and our neighbors. But we have a lot of neighbors with little kids, so 40 people celebrated with Reese.
The kids enjoyed eating at the carnivore and herbivore stations, doing a dino-dig, making prehistoric jewelry, and filling candy at the "sweetivore" (sweet eating) station.
Reese had a great time - especially eating birthday cake and opening presents.
Thanks to everyone for celebrating with her!
Sounds like a fun party! Cute ideas...I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume Val had something to do with it:) Happy birthday to Reese!