Here is Emmy's birth story (warning - this isn't super detailed, but I do talk about dialation and other birth "stuff")...
I started having contractions on Saturday. The contractions were consistent (every 3-4 minutes), but very light. I called the doctor to get some advice -- I didn't want to take any chances since Reese was born so quickly. The doctor told me to hang out for another 30 minutes and see what happens before coming to the hospital. Of course in that next 30 minutes contractions became more irregular and pretty much stopped. Guess Saturday wasn't going to be the night -- and I was frustrated!
Contractions continued on Sunday. This time contractions were stronger, but irregular (maybe every 10 minutes). I kept waiting for them to be closer together, but no luck. My frustration continued.
I woke up early Monday (around 3am) with stronger and regular contractions. We headed to the hospital at 4:30 -- this time I was sure we were staying and having a baby. Of course by the time we got there contractions had slowed. I found out I was only dialated to a 2 - I could not believe it! We walked the hospital halls for about a half hour and nothing changed, so they sent us home. As you can imagine, I was super frustrated now. I made Todd stop at the Holiday gas station on the way home and I bought (and ate) a big box of doughnuts.
I slept for an hour or so at home until contractions woke me up. They continued to get stronger, but managable. Finally we decided to go back to the hospital. We arrived around 4:00 and was shocked to hear I was only dialated to a 4. I think my reaction was "Are you kidding me?!?!" They said I could either go home again or walk the halls. After walking for just a half hour I was dialated to a 6.5 and in major pain.
They admitted me at 4:30 and things quickly got crazy. I'll spare you all the details, but Emmy was born just 46 minutes later. There was no time for drugs, although I shouted for an epidural less than 10 minutes before she was born. (Todd later told me the nurse said she would get the paperwork started but looked at him indicating there is no way I would have time for that.) In the end I was glad I didn't have the epidural and just got the job done (same thing that happened with Reese)! I pushed just 4 times (not 4 contractions - I wasn't interested in waiting for a contraction to push) and Emmy was born. She was perfect -- and has a perfectly shaped head, I might add.
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ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story! I love birth glad she gave you more time than Reese, but still came fairly smoothly. That was considerate of her:)