We had our home nurse visit this morning. I'm happy to report that Emmy is doing great!
- She is already almost back to her birth weight (she dropped to 6 lb 7 oz before we left the hospital and is now back up to 6 lbs 10.5 oz)
- Her coloring looks great
- Temperature is normal
- And she's a pooping machine! It is normal to have just 2-3 poops per day at this point, but Emmy is an overachiever and poops with each feeding, so about 12 per day. What this really means is that she's getting plenty of calories and her digestive system is working great.
It's so nice (and different from Reese) to have a good eater. She demands food about every 2 - 2.5 hours and is a great sucker. I welcome the pain this is causing me (seriously, it feels like shards of glass - ouch!).
I've been wondering how nursing is going for you this time around....so glad to hear she's taking it on!! Let me know if you ever need tips about how to manage pain....I suffered through lots of that with Henry. Can't wait to meet her!!