Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st Day of Preschool

Reese started preschool today!

She was very excited to wear her "I love preschool" shirt and new "Pinkalicious" backpack. As we were getting ready this morning, she asked me, "Is it time to go to preschool yet?" When I told her yes, she replied, "Yipee!" As we drove to school Reese kept making her excited face (she scrunches up her face and clenches her fists). I told her it will be ok, and she said, "Mom, I'm just EXCITED! You thought I was scared!" However I know she was a little nervous because she told me her stomach hurt. She was trying to be so brave!

She walked in to school all by herself; she just asked me to help her with the door.  When it was time for me to leave, she grabbed me for a minute, but didn't cry or chase after me when I told her that I will be back to pick her up and she should just have fun.

Reese has 10 kids in her class -- 8 go all day and just Reese and a little boy named Tyler go in the afternoon.  Reese and Tyler have Mrs. Koosman all to themselves for the first half hour while the rest of the kids are at lunch, then again have religion class for the last half hour just the 3 of them.

When I picked her up, this was our conversation about her day...
Mommy: "What did you do in school today?"
Reese: "We played on the playground and learned about Jesus.  That was it." 
M: "What did you learn about Jesus?"
R: "I don't know."
M: "Did you also read a book about Clifford and do a craft?"
R: "Oh yes, we read Clifford Goes to School and made a craft and finger painted."
M: "Did you meet any friends?"
R: "Oh yes, Hannah.  Of course I played with Hannah.  Hannah had applesauce and something else for a snack."

A successful first day of preschool ends with "Pinkalicious" cupcakes at our house!  And the cupcakes look JUST like her backpack - thanks Grandma Cipra!

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