Saturday, September 15, 2012

Party! Party!

We had a busy day as we attended two birthday parties!

First we went to neighbor Laura's Strawberry Shortcake themed party.  It was adorable, but I was so busy with Emmy that I forgot to take pictures!  I did manage to take a picture of a previous neighbor Amy and her newly adopted son Kaleb.  Kaleb is only 4 months old, but already 20 pounds.  He's much bigger than Emmy who is 8 months and only 16 pounds 8 ounces. Plus, Amy is pregnant with another boy due in November.  They will be a busy, busy family!

Next we went to Lauren's pony themed party with REAL PONIES!  Reese was beyond excited and Emmy got to ride too!

Our little animal lover gave "Fiona" and "Bam Bam" lots of hugs and kisses.

Happy birthday to Laura and Lauren!  Thanks for inviting us to your very fun parties!

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