Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Funnies

Some new funny things Reese has said lately.

I overheard her playing outside on the deck....  She said to her horses, "What!?!?  You can talk!?!? I can't even believe it!"

Reese and I were playing the Spot It game, and had the following conversation...
Mommy: "I really like to play games."
Reese: "Not me.  I really like exercising... and cupcakes.  But next week I will not exercise.  This week yay, next week nay."
(About 15 minutes pass)
R: "Can I watch Aladdin?"
M: "No, you've watched too many movies today."
R: "Mom, just one more! Then next week I'll take a break from movies... just like exercising."

One day while watching the movie Aladdin...
R: "Those are the two guys - one she loves and one she doesn't. She loves Aladdin, but not Jaffar. Did you know one time Jasmine kissed Jaffar!?!?"
M: "Why did she kiss Jaffar? He's so mean!"
R (laughing): "She kissed Jaffar because he was SO handsome!"

After playing with friends one day...
M: "Did you had fun playing with your friends today?"
R: "No. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't."
M: "And today you didn't have fun?"
R:  "Well, let me check my schedule. (looks at a piece of paper) No, I did not have fun today."

Reese asked me to help her with something, but I was busy with Emmy.  A little while later she told me, "You didn't help me, so I guess I'll just help myself. That's my responsibility!"

We were talking about Emmy growing up one day...
M: "I bet Emmy will call you Eesie when she's learning
33230 to talk."
R: (didnt' seem to like the name Eesie and sounded annoyed) "Well then I'll call her Whiffle!" 

At Reese's preschool, they have been having color days, meaning the kids wear a certain color one day and talk about things that are that color  I guess we got into a routine of talking about the color in the car as we drove to school.  But today I started talking about the color at home, and Reese did not like the change.  Reese told me, "Mom, don't talk about this at home! In the car! Then when I say it, tell me 'good job'!"

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